Recently, I've been trying to get myself started in the world of game development. Since I have a computer science background, I figured it would be easy. There is so much more to game development than just coding, however. There are many ways to go about it. People talk about tutorial hell, scope creep, and a plethora of other problems that plague new developers. Not only that, but I have zero art skills. Therefore, the road ahead seems long and treacherous.
The hardest part is getting started. I've purchased Udemy courses and absorbed hours of material on YouTube. I've followed some basic guides, but the reality of what seems possible for myself keeps changing. It's a mix of scope creep and grandiose ideas for my game. I've played so many first-person shooters that it seems like the obvious choice. Of course, a multiplayer FPS is one of the hardest to make, especially for a first game. I know the first thing I make won't be great. There's still a blockade which is preventing me from getting started, and I'm not sure what it is. Is it even worth my time?